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What You Say in a Recorded Statement Could Cost You Thousands

Unfortunately automobile accidents are all too common in our world today. If you or a loved one has recently been in an accident, you will likely be asked to give a statement to an insurance claims adjuster regarding details of the accident. However did you know that what you say could end up costing you thousands of dollars? Before giving your statement, we recommend reviewing the below tips and speaking with an experienced attorney at Kelly & West for guidance.

car accident
Photo by Morgan. Courtesy Flickr Creative Commons.

Your recorded statement will help an insurance company learn the facts of your case which will play a significant role in whether they accept or deny the case. While your best bet for saying exactly what you intend comes from first speaking with an attorney. As a guideline, we at Kelly & West generally recommend avoiding all time, speed, and distance-related questions. For example, if an insurance representative asks a question such as, “How fast were you going?” or “How much time was there between the car hitting you and.” you should only answer if your eyes were on your speedometer or your watch at the exact moment. Chances are you only have estimates to offer the insurance claims adjuster. Therefore, for the most effective strategy in dealing with an insurance company turn to the attorneys with over 30 years of experience.

Call the attorneys at Kelly & West today to schedule a FREE, no-obligation consultation. We want to help equip you, protect you and fight for the best possible outcome in your case. If you have been in an auto accident, call us today. Don’t wait!

car accident, insurance